Modern Cymbiodyta species most similar to C. samueli sp. n. from Baltic amber. A, C–F Cymbiodyta marginella (Fabricius, 1792) from Europe; B, G–H C. minima Notman, 1919 from northern USA and southern Canada. A–B, habitus (dorsal and dorsolateral view); C, metatarsus; D, prosternum; E, G, mesoventrite with mesoventral projection; F, H, abdominal apex.

  Part of: Fikáček M, Pražák JS, Short AEZ, Rion F (2023) Fossil Cymbiodyta from Baltic amber confirms Euro-American ancient distribution of the genus (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 81: 555-563.