Santonipsocus mimeticus gen. et sp. nov. (Psocodea, Trogiomorpha, Empheriidae), holotype MNHN.F.A30180 (ARC-186.7), adult specimen, probably male; uppermost Albian–lowermost Cenomanian amber of Archingeay-Les Nouillers (France). A photograph of left antenna; B detail of flagellomeres of left antenna; C head from ventral view; D, E photograph and schematic drawing, respectively, of nodulus area of right forewing, both at same scale, blue arrowheads: meeting point of veins Cu2 and 1A with forewing margin, red arrowhead: emergence of R1 in relation to basal cell in hind wing; F photograph of left midleg and hind leg; G photograph of tarsus of right hind leg; H genitalia in ventral view.