Phylogeny of Trogiomorpha (Psocodea), focused on Empheriidae, considering 39 characters coded for 28 ingroup taxa and one outgroup taxon (File S1; Table S1). A strict consensus tree based on 737 trees constructed under with parsimony analysis; (L 126 steps; consistency index 0.4286; retention index 0.5909); values at nodes represent bootstrap percentages > 50% (majority-rule consensus); B relationships reconstructed under Bayesian inference, constraining monophyly of Empheriidae; values at nodes represent posterior probabilities.

  Part of: Álvarez-Parra S, Nel A, Perrichot V, Jouault C (2024) Unravelling the mishmash: A new phylogeny for the family Empheriidae (Psocodea, Trogiomorpha) with a new genus and species from Cretaceous Charentese amber. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 82: 183-199.