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Carolina Solis‐Zurita, Efraín De Luna, Dolores González (2019)
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Matthew R. Graham, Michelina B. Pinto, Paula E. Cushing (2019)
A test of the light attraction hypothesis in camel spiders of the Mojave Desert (Arachnida: Solifugae).
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Curanahuel aconcagua, a new genus and species of sun-spider (Solifugae: Mummuciidae) from the Cuyan High Andean biogeographic province of Argentina.
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Carlos E. Santibáñez-López, Keaka Farleigh, Paula E. Cushing, Matthew R. Graham (2021)
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Elián L Guerrero, María José Apodaca (2022)
The smallest area shaped a big problem: a revision of the placement of the Ventania sky island in the biogeography of South America.
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