3D reconstruction, head of P. heisei. (A) head, dorsal view; (B) nervous and digestive system, head capsule rendered transparent, dorsal view; (C) head, ventral view; (D) nervous and digestive system, head capsule rendered transparent, ventral view; (E) head, lateral view; (F) nervous and digestive system, head capsule rendered transparent, sagittal view; (G) head with right maxillary palp, ventral view; (I) head, posterior view. Abbreviations: br, brain; bs, basistipes; ca, cardo; ce, compound eye; cfr, clypeofrontal ridge; cl, clypeus; fcl, frontoclypeal lobe; fg, frontal ganglion; fp, frontal pouch; fr, frons; ge, gena; lp, labial palp; lr, labrum; md, mandible; mf, median furrow; mp, maxillary palp; mt, mentum; nr, neck region; oln, olfactory nerve; opl, optic lobe; p, pharynx; pll, plate-like lobe; ppf, palpifer; sc, scapus; smt, submentum; soe, suboesophageal ganglion; t, tentorium; tb, tentorial bridge; vt, vertex.

  Part of: Beutel RG, Luo X-Z, Yavorskaya MI, Jałoszyński P (2021) Structural megadiversity in leaf litter predators - the head anatomy of Pselaphus heisei (Pselaphinae, Staphylinidae, Coleoptera). Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 79: 443-463. https://doi.org/10.3897/asp.79.e68352