First instar larval characters. A: Freraea gagatea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830; B: Cenosoma thompsoni Guimarães, 1977; C: Dufouria chalybeata (Meigen, 1824). Arrows identify characters and states (enclosed in parentheses) discussed in text. (Abbreviations: AS, accessory sclerite; DC, dorsal cornu; IR, intermediate region; MH, mouth hook; S, sclerite of salivary gland; VC, ventral cornu).

  Part of: de Santis MD, Nihei SS (2022) Phylogenetic analysis of the tribe Dufouriini (Diptera: Tachinidae) using a total evidence approach based on adult and immature stages. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 80: 1-38.