Lateral profile of Aphaenogaster workers of species from the pallida and subterranea groups. In green, species of the pallida group, with arrows indicating the long and often abundant erect hairs on the dorsal side of the head. In violet, species from the subterranea group with arrows indicating the deep metanotal groove (including A. holtzi and A. lesbica previously attributed to the pallida group, A. epirotes and A. subcostata previously attributed to the obsidiana group). A A. dulcineae (photo by M. Esposito, CASENT0280959); B A. holtzi (CASENT0904178, syntype, photo by W. Ericson); C A. finzii (CASENT0914232, photo by M. Esposito); D A. ichnusa (CASENT0913132, syntype, photo by Z. Lieberman); E A. pallida (CASENT0280960, photo by S. Hartman); F A. maculifrons (CASENT0922688, photo by M. Esposito); G A. subterraneoides (CASENT0281536, photo by Estella Ortega); H A. subterranea (CASENT0172716, photo by A. Nobile); I A. lesbica (CASENT0907690, syntype, photo by W. Ericson); J A. kurdica (CFH000010, photo by Donat Agosti); K A. epirotes (CASENT0281535, photo by E. Ortega); L A. subcostata (FOCOL1221, syntype, photo by Christiana Klingenberg). Photographs from