Extant drymusids from the Greater Antilles: Drymusa spectata Alayón (A, D) Drymusa armasi Alayón (B, C, F), and Drymusa simoni Bryant (E, G–I). A: male habitus, ventral (MNHNCu 51). Arrow to femoral macrosetae. B: female, mouthparts, ventral (MNHNCu 28). Arrow to notch in labium. C: female (MNHNCu 28), cheliceral lobe, arrow to distal prolongation. D: left palp, prolateral (MNHNCu 51). E: holotype male, left palp, prolateral (MCZ 23101). F: right palp, retrolateral (MNHNCu 28). G: immature paratype, left tarsal claws II, retrolateral (MCZ 44196). Notice double row of teeth in the proclaw. H: immature paratype, spinnerets, apical (MCZ 44196). Inset showing single spigot in the right posterior lateral spinneret. I: immature paratype, colulus, ventral (MCZ 44196). Scale bars: 1 mm (A), 0.5 mm (B, D–F), 0.05 mm (C, G–I).