Eggs of the examined Epidermaptera. 23 Apachyus chartaceus (Apachyidae). 23A Egg, anterior to the top. 23B SEM of the anterior pole of the egg (reposted from Shimizu and Machida 2011a: fig. 8B). 24 Anisolabis maritima (Anisolabididae). 24A Egg, anterior to the top. 24B SEM of the anterior pole of the egg. 25 Euborellia pallipes (Anisolabididae). 25A Egg, anterior to the top. 25B SEM of the anterior pole of the egg. 26 Labidura riparia (Labiduridae). 26A Egg, anterior to the top. 26B SEM of the anterior pole of the egg. 27 Forficula scudderi (Forficulidae). 27A Egg, anterior to the top. 27B SEM of the anterior pole of the egg. 28 Anechura harmandi (Forficulidae). 28A Egg, anterior to the top. 28B SEM of the anterior pole of the egg. 29 Paralabella curvicauda (Spongiphoridae). 29A Egg, anterior to the top. 29B SEM of the anterior pole of the egg. 30 Proreus simulans (Chelisochidae). 30A Egg, anterior to the top. 30B SEM of the anterior pole of the egg. 31 A chelisochid gen. sp. (Chelisochidae). 31A Egg, anterior to the top. 31B SEM of the anterior pole of the egg. – Abbreviation: ASu – adhesive substance. – Symbols: arrow – chorionic pore at the center of the circular arrangement of micropyles; arrowhead – micropyle. – Scale bars: 23–31A – 500 μm; 23–28B – 20 μm; 29–31B – 10 μm.

  Part of: Shimizu S, Machida R (2024) Development and reproductive biology of Dermaptera: a comparative study of thirteen species from eight families. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 82: 35-75.