Corrigenda |
Academic editor: Brendon Boudinot
© 2025 Yu-Jiao Guo, Shuang-Qi An, Zhen-Gui Fang, Shu-Fei Wei, Zi-Hao Shen, Zhao-Yang Chen, Zhu-Qing He.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
We recently published the revision of Goniogryllus. However, the affiliation between Qingryllus striofemorus Chen & Zheng, 1995 and Goniogryllus ovalatus Chen & Zheng, 1996 is wrong. Q. striofemorus should be transferred to the genus Goniogryllus, as Goniogryllus striofemorus comb. nov.. G. ovalatus syn. nov. and Q. jiguanshanensis Liu, Zhang & Shi, 2017 syn. nov. should be junior synonyms of G. striofemorus. Therefore, the corresponding description should be changed. We thank Dr. Holger Braun for pointing out the error.
“Q. striofemorus syn. nov. and Q. jiguanshanensis syn. nov. are junior synonyms of G. ovalatus” should be changed to “Q. striofemorus is transferred to the genus Goniogryllus, as Goniogryllus striofemorus comb. nov. G. ovalatus syn. nov. and Q. jiguanshanensis syn. nov. are junior synonyms of G. striofemorus.”
“Additional information can be found in the diagnosis of G. ovalatus” should be changed to “Additional information can be found in the diagnosis of G. striofemorus.”
The title “Goniogryllus ovalatus Chen & Zheng, 1996” should be changed to “Goniogryllus striofemorus (Chen & Zheng, 1995)”.
“Goniogryllus ovalatus Chen & Zheng 1996: 290, 293; He 2018: 529; Yang et al. 2019: 16; Zhao and Liu 2022: 244” should be changed to “Goniogryllus ovalatus syn. nov. Chen & Zheng 1996: 290, 293; He 2018: 529; Yang et al. 2019: 16; Zhao and Liu 2022: 244”.
“Qingryllus striofemorus syn. nov. Chen & Zheng 1995: 70, 76; Zhao and Liu 2022: 246; Liu et al. 2017: 67; He 2018: 529” should be changed to “Qingryllus striofemorus comb. nov. Chen & Zheng 1995: 70, 76; Zhao and Liu 2022: 246; Liu et al. 2017: 67; He 2018: 529”, and it should change places with “Goniogryllus ovalatus syn. nov. Chen & Zheng … Zhao and Liu 2022: 244”.
In the Material examined, “G. ovalatus: CHINA • ♂ (1921)” should be changed to “G. striofemorus (= G. ovalatus): CHINA • ♂ (1921)”. “— G. ovalatus (= Q. striofemorus)” should be changed to “— G. striofemorus”, and “— G. striofemorus: CHINA • ♀ (3882…2000; Kai Li leg. (ECNU)” should change places with “G. striofemorus (= G. ovalatus): CHINA • ♂ (1921…2021; Wen-Xuan Bi leg. (ECNU)”. “— G. ovalatus (= Q. jiguanshanensis)” should be changed to “— G. striofemorus (= Q. jiguanshanensis)”.
In the Remarks, “Thus, we consider Q. striofemorus syn. nov. and Q. jiguanshanensis syn. nov. as junior synonyms of G. ovalatus” should be changed to “Thus, Q. striofemorus is transferred to the genus Goniogryllus, as Goniogryllus striofemorus comb. nov. G. ovalatus syn. nov. and Q. jiguanshanensis syn. nov. are junior synonyms of G. striofemorus”.
All “G. ovalatus” should be changed to “G. striofemorus”.